
Welcome to my website!

My goal is to offer information and ideas that are accurate and balanced, guided by my 25 plus years practicing obstetrics and providing care to women.

Over the next few months, I will blog about some hot issues for moms-to-be. If you have questions or ideas for a topic, send them on in! I can’t promise I will have time to answer everything, but I will try to hit on common threads.

For a more complete resource, an updated Kindle version of The Working Woman’s Pregnancy Book will be available on Amazon in October 2015. Also check out the Working Woman’s Pregnancy Book Facebook page, and follow me on twitter @momdoc27.

I am also (always!) looking for photos of pregnant women in the workplace, nursing moms at work, and work-life-parenting images, so send those on! Unless you specify otherwise, submission will be your permission to use the photo (without names) in my writing and speaking.

Remember that I can’t (and shouldn’t) practice medicine online, so this website and my books are just for general information. Also the views expressed here are mine only, and don’t represent the views of University Hospitals Health System or Case Western Reserve University. I will try to keep the content accurate and up to date, but reading and researching are not substitutes for medical care. Your doctor or midwife will always be your best source for personalized information and advice.

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